Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 – March 14, 1883) was a 19th century philosopher, political economist, and revolutionary. Marx addressed a wide range of political as well as social issues; he is most famous for his analysis of history, summed up in the opening line of the Communist Manifesto (1848): “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles”. Marx believed that capitalism will be displaced by communism, a classless society after a transitional period of radical socialism during which the state would be nothing else but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.[1][2]
Often called the father of communism, Marx was both a scholar and a political activist. He argued that his analysis of capitalism revealed that the contradictions within capitalism would bring about its own end, giving way to communism:
The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.
On the other hand, Marx wrote that capitalism would end through the organized actions of an international working class: "Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence." (from The German Ideology)
While Marx was a relatively obscure figure in his own lifetime, his ideas began to exert a major influence on workers' movements shortly after his death. This influence was given added impetus by the victory of the Marxist Bolsheviks in the Russian October Revolution, and there are few parts of the world which were not significantly touched by Marxian ideas in the course of the twentieth century. The relation of Marx to "Marxism" is a point of controversy. Marxism remains influential and controversial in academic and political circles. In his book "Marx's 'Das Kapital'" (2006), biographer Francis Wheen reiterates David McLellan's observation that since Marxism had not triumphed in the West, "it had not been turned into an official ideology and is thus the object of serious study unimpeded by government controls."
Karl Heinrich Marx was born the third of seven children of a Jewish family in Trier, in the Kingdom of Prussia's Province of the Lower Rhine. His father Heinrich (1777–1838), who had descended from a long line of rabbis, converted to Christianity, despite his many deistic tendencies and his admiration of such Enlightenment figures as Voltaire and Rousseau. Marx's father was actually born Herschel Mordechai, but when the Prussian authorities would not allow him to continue practicing law as a Jew, he joined the official denomination of the Prussian state, Lutheranism, which accorded him advantages, as one of a small minority of Lutherans in a predominantly Roman Catholic region. His mother was Henrietta (née Presborck; 1788–1863); his siblings were Sophie, Hermann, Henriette, Louise (m. Juta), Emilie and Caroline.
Marx was educated at home until the age of thirteen. After graduating from the Trier Gymnasium, Marx enrolled in the University of Bonn in 1835 at the age of seventeen to study law, where he joined the Trier Tavern Club drinking society and at one point served as its president; his grades suffered as a result. Marx was interested in studying philosophy and literature, but his father would not allow it because he did not believe that his son would be able to comfortably support himself in the future as a scholar. The following year, his father forced him to transfer to the far more serious and academically oriented Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin. During this period, Marx wrote many poems and essays concerning life, using the theological language acquired from his liberal, deistic father, such as "the Deity," but also absorbed the atheistic philosophy of the Young Hegelians who were prominent in Berlin at the time. Marx earned a doctorate in 1841 with a thesis titled The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature, but he had to submit his dissertation to the University of Jena as he was warned that his reputation among the faculty as a Young Hegelian radical would lead to a poor reception in Berlin. Marx and the Young Hegelians
The Left, or Young Hegelians, consisted of a group of philosophers and journalists circling around Ludwig Feuerbach and Bruno Bauer opposing their teacher Hegel. Despite their criticism of Hegel's metaphysical assumptions, they made use of Hegel's dialectical method, separated from its theological content, as a powerful weapon for the critique of established religion and politics. Some members of this circle drew an analogy between post-Aristotelian philosophy and post-Hegelian philosophy. One of them, Max Stirner, turned critically against both Feuerbach and Bauer in his book "Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum" (1845, The Ego and Its Own), calling these atheists "pious people" for their reification of abstract concepts. Marx, at that time a follower of Feuerbach, was deeply impressed by the work and abandoned Feuerbachian materialism and accomplished what recent authors have denoted as an "epistemological break." He developed the basic concept of historical materialism against Stirner in his book "Die Deutsche Ideologie" (1846, The German Ideology), which he did not publish.[3] Another link to the Young Hegelians was Moses Hess, with whom Marx eventually disagreed, yet to whom he owed many of his insights into the relationship between state, society and religion.
Towards the end of October 1843, Marx arrived in Paris, France. There, on August 28, 1844, at the Café de la Régence on the Place du Palais he began the most important friendship of his life, and one of the most important in history – he met Friedrich Engels. Engels had come to Paris specifically to see Marx, whom he had met only briefly at the office of the Rheinische Zeitung in 1842.[4] He came to show Marx what would turn out to be perhaps Engels' greatest work, The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844.[5] Paris at this time was the home and headquarters to armies of German, British, Polish, and Italian revolutionaries. Marx, for his part, had come to Paris to work with Arnold Ruge, another revolutionary from Germany, on the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher .[6]
After the failure of the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, Marx, living on the Rue Vaneau, wrote for the most radical of all German newspapers in Paris, indeed in Europe, the Vorwärts, established and run by the secret society called League of the Just. Marx's topics were generally on the Jewish question and Hegel. When not writing, Marx studied the history of the French Revolution and read Proudhon.[7] He also spent considerable time studying a side of life he had never been acquainted with before – a large urban proletariat.
[Hitherto exposed mainly to university towns...] Marx's sudden espousal of the proletarian cause can be directly attributed (as can that of other early German communists such as Weitling[8]) to his first hand contacts with socialist intellectuals [and books] in France.[9]
He re-evaluated his relationship with the Young Hegelians, and as a reply to Bauer's atheism wrote On the Jewish Question. This essay was mostly a critique of current notions of civil and human rights and political emancipation, which also included several critical references to Judaism as well as Christianity from a standpoint of social emancipation. Engels, a committed communist, kindled Marx's interest in the situation of the working class and guided Marx's interest in economics. Marx became a communist and set down his views in a series of writings known as the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, which remained unpublished until the 1930s. In the Manuscripts, Marx outlined a humanist conception of communism, influenced by the philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach and based on a contrast between the alienated nature of labor under capitalism and a communist society in which human beings freely developed their nature in cooperative production.
In January 1845, after the Vorwärts expressed its hearty approval regarding the assassination attempt on the life of Frederick William IV, King of Prussia, Marx, among many others, were ordered to leave Paris. He and Engels moved on to Brussels, Belgium.
Marx devoted himself to an intensive study of history and elaborated on his idea of historical materialism, particularly in a manuscript (published posthumously as The German Ideology), the basic thesis of which was that "the nature of individuals depends on the material conditions determining their production." Marx traced the history of the various modes of production and predicted the collapse of the present one—industrial capitalism—and its replacement by communism. This was the first major work of what scholars consider to be his later phase, abandoning the Feuerbach-influenced humanism of his earlier work.
Next, Marx wrote The Poverty of Philosophy (1847), a response to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's The Philosophy of Poverty and a critique of French socialist thought. These works laid the foundation for Marx and Engels' most famous work, The Communist Manifesto, first published on February 21, 1848, as the manifesto of the Communist League, a small group of European communists who had come to be influenced by Marx and Engels.
Later that year, Europe experienced tremendous revolutionary upheaval. Marx was arrested and expelled from Belgium; in the meantime a radical movement had seized power from King Louis Philippe in France, and invited Marx to return to Paris, where he witnessed the revolutionary June Insurrection (Revolutions of 1848 in France) first hand.
When this collapsed in 1849, Marx moved back to Cologne and started the Neue Rheinische Zeitung ("New Rhenish Newspaper"). During its existence he was put on trial twice, on February 7, 1849 because of a press misdemeanor, and on the 8th charged with incitement to armed rebellion. Both times he was acquitted. The paper was soon suppressed and Marx returned to Paris, but was forced out again. This time he sought refuge in London.
Marx moved to London in May 1849, where he was to remain for the rest of his life. He briefly worked as correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune in 1851.[10] In 1855, the Marx family suffered a blow with the death of their son, Edgar, from tuberculosis.[11] Meanwhile, Marx's major work on political economy made slow progress. By 1857 he had produced a gigantic 800 page manuscript on capital, landed property, wage labour, the state, foreign trade and the world market. This work however was not published until 1941, under the title Grundrisse. In the early 1860s he worked on composing three large volumes, the Theories of Surplus Value, which discussed the theoreticians of political economy, particularly Adam Smith and David Ricardo. This work, that was published posthumously under the editorship of Karl Kautsky is often seen as the Fourth book of Capital, and constitutes one of the first comprehensive treatises on the history of economic thought. In 1867, well behind schedule, the first volume of Capital was published, a work which analyzed the capitalist process of production. Here, Marx elaborated his labor theory of value and his conception of surplus value and exploitation which he argued would ultimately lead to a falling rate of profit and the collapse of industrial capitalism. Volumes II and III remained mere manuscripts upon which Marx continued to work for the rest of his life and were published posthumously by Engels. In 1859, Marx was able to publish Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, his first serious economic work. In his journalistic work of this period, Marx championed the Union cause in the American Civil War.
One reason why Marx was so slow to publish Capital was that he was devoting his time and energy to the First International, to whose General Council he was elected at its inception in 1864. He was particularly active in preparing for the annual Congresses of the International and leading the struggle against the anarchist wing led by Mikhail Bakunin (1814–1876). Although Marx won this contest, the transfer of the seat of the General Council from London to New York in 1872, which Marx supported, led to the decline of the International. The most important political event during the existence of the International was the Paris Commune of 1871 when the citizens of Paris rebelled against their government and held the city for two months. On the bloody suppression of this rebellion, Marx wrote one of his most famous pamphlets, The Civil War in France, an enthusiastic defense of the Commune.
During the last decade of his life, Marx's health declined and he was incapable of the sustained effort that had characterized his previous work. He did manage to comment substantially on contemporary politics, particularly in Germany and Russia. In Germany, in his Critique of the Gotha Programme, he opposed the tendency of his followers Wilhelm Liebknecht (1826–1900) and August Bebel (1840–1913) to compromise with the state socialism of Ferdinand Lassalle in the interests of a united socialist party. In his correspondence with Vera Zasulich, Marx contemplated the possibility of Russia's bypassing the capitalist stage of development and building communism on the basis of the common ownership of land characteristic of the village Mir.Family life
Marx in 1882.
Karl Marx was married to Jenny von Westphalen, the educated daughter of a Prussian baron. Karl Marx's engagement to her was kept secret at first, and for several years was opposed by both the Marxes and Westphalens. Despite the objections, the two were married on June 19, 1843 in Kreuznacher Pauluskirche, Bad Kreuznach.
During the first half of the 1850s the Marx family lived in poverty and constant fear of creditors in a three room flat on Dean Street in the Soho quarter of London. Marx and Jenny already had four children and three more were to follow. Of these only three survived to adulthood. Marx's major source of income at this time was Engels, who was drawing a steadily increasing income from the family business in Manchester. This was supplemented by weekly articles written as a foreign correspondent for the New York Daily Tribune. Inheritances from one of Jenny's uncles and her mother who died in 1856 allowed the family to move to somewhat more salubrious lodgings at 9 Grafton Terrace, Kentish Town a new suburb on the then-outskirts of London. Marx generally lived a hand-to-mouth existence, forever at the limits of his resources, although this did extend to some spending on relatively bourgeois luxuries, which he felt were necessities for his wife and children given their social status and the mores of the time.
There is a disputed rumour that Marx was the father of Frederick Demuth, the son of Marx's housekeeper, Lenchen Demuth. It has been suggested that this rumour lacks any direct corroboration.[12]
Marx's children by his wife were: Jenny Caroline (m. Longuet; 1844–1883); Jenny Laura (m. Lafargue; 1846–1911); Edgar (1847–1855); Henry Edward Guy ("Guido"; 1849–1850); Jenny Eveline Frances ("Franziska"; 1851–1852); Jenny Julia Eleanor (1855–1898); and one more who died before being named (July 1857).
source : http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/karl+marx
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December 28, 2007
Karl Marx
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December 18, 2007
9 Dreams of Rasullullah
Daripada Abdul Rahman Bin Samurah ra berkata, Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya aku telah mengalami mimpi-mimpi yang menakjubkan pada malam aku sebelum di Israqkan........"
1. Aku telah melihat seorang dari umatku telah di datang oleh malaikatul maut dengan keadaan yg amat mengerunkan untuk mengambil nyawanya, maka malaikat itu terhalang perbuatannya itu disebabkan oleh Ketaatan Dan Kepatuhannya Kepada Kedua Ibubapanya..
2. Aku melihat seorang dari umatku telah disediakan azab kubur yang amat menyiksakan, diselamatkan oleh berkat Wuduknya Yang Sempurna..
3. Aku melihat seorang dari umatku sedang dikerumuni oleh syaitan-syaitan dan iblis-iblis lakhnatullah, maka ia diselamatkan dengan berkat Zikirnya Yang Tulus Ikhlas kepada Allah.
4. Aku melihat bagaimana umatku diseret dengan rantai yang diperbuat daripada api neraka jahanam yang dimasukkan dari mulut dan dikeluarkan rantai tersebut ke duburnya oleh malaikut Ahzab,tetapi Solatnya Yang Khusuk Dan Tidak Menunjuk-nunjuk telah melepaskannya dari seksaan itu.
5. Aku melihat umatku ditimpa dahaga yang amat berat, setiap kali dia mendatangi satu telaga di halang dari meminumnya,ketika itu datanglah pahala Puasanya Yang Ikhlas Kepada Allah S.W.T. memberi minum hingga ia merasa puas.
6. Aku melihat umatku cuba untuk mendekati kumpulan para nabi yang sedang duduk berkumpulan-kumpulan, setiap kali dia datang dia akan diusir, maka menjelmalah Mandi Junub Dengan Rukunnya Yang Sempurna sambil ke kumpulanku seraya duduk disebelahku.
7. Aku melihat seorang dari umatku berada di dalam keadan gelap gelita di sekelilingnya, sedangkan dia sendiri di dalam keadaan binggung, maka datanglah pahala Haji Dan Umrah nya Yang Ikhlas Kepada Allah S.W.T. lalu mengeluarkannya dari kegelapan kepada tempat yang terang - benderang.
8. Aku melihat umatku cuba berbicara dengan golongan orang mukmin tetapi mereka tidakpun membalas bicaranya,maka menjelmalah Sifat Silaturrahim nya Dan Tidak Suka Bermusuh-musuhan Sesama Umatku lalu menyeru kepada mereka agar menyambut bicaranya,lalu berbicara mereka dengannya.
9. Aku melihat umatku sedang menepis-nepis percikan api ke mukanya, maka segeralah menjelma pahala Sedekahnya Yang Ikhlas Kerana Allah S.W.T. lalu menabir muka dan kepalanya dari bahaya api tersebut.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW : "Sampaikanlah Pesananku Kepada Umatku Yang Lain Walaupun Dengan Sepotong Ayat"
Dihantar Oleh : e_jaf
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Labels: Religy
Search Engine Statistic
membaca profil pengguna internet
Kata apa yang paling dicari sepanjang 2004? Di mana statistik search engine terkini bisa didapatkan?
Paris Hilton dan Britney Spears adalah cewek paling dicari! Statistik yang dipublikasikan 3 search engine, yaitu Google, Yahoo!, Lycos menempatkan keduanya di daftar 10 besar pencarian sepanjang 2004.
1. Britney Spears
2. Paris Hilton
3. Christina Aguilera
4. Pamela Anderson
5. Chat
6. Games
7. Carmen Electra
8. Orlando Bloom
9. Harry Potter
1. American Idol
2. Paris Hilton
3. Jessica Simpson
4. Britney Spears
5. Harry Potter
6. WWE
7. Usher
9. NBA
1. Janet Jackson
2. Paris Hilton
3. Clay Aiken
4. Britney Spears
5. Nick Berg
6. KaZaA
7. Tattoos
8. Pamela Anderson
9. Michelle Vieth
Melihat sekilas statistik tersebut, mungkin tidak salah jika disimpulkan secara cepat bahwa sebagian besar pengguna internet adalah mereka yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah atau kuliah. Terlihat juga bahwa dunia hiburan: musik, film, dan olah raga, mendominasi statistik tersebut, yang berarti sebagian besar memanfaatkan internet for fun!
Yang menarik, nama-nama artis seksi bertebaran: Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Pamela Anderson, Carmen Electra, Christina Aguilera, Janet Jackson, Orlando Bloom, Clay Aiken. Melihat hasilnya, ketertarikan secara seksual boleh dibilang mendominasi, mengingat statistik semacam ini biasanya sudah memfilter kata-kata atau frase yang secara eksplisit bermuatan seksual, seperti “sex” dan semacamnya. Lihat saja bagaimana Janet Jackson, artis yang bisa dibilang “sudah lewat zamannya” bisa masuk 10 besar di Lycos. Ini tak lain karena pada awal tahun 2004 Janet Jackson membuat sensasi heboh dengan mempertontonkan sebagian tubuhnya “secara tidak sengaja” pada saat jeda Super Bowl.
Google menyediakan statistik bulanan dengan istilah Google Zeitgeist, dimana anda bisa tidak hanya bisa statistik secara keseluruhan seperti pada tabel di atas, namun juga berdasarkan kategori, seperti berita apa yang paling dicari, artis cewek yang paling dicari, dan sebagainya. Juga pencarian yang berkaitan dengan event pada bulan yang bersangkutan, misalnya pencarian yang berkaitan dengan valentine di bulan Februari. Untuk statistik tahun 2004, Google menyediakan statistik yang dipresentasikan secara interaktif menggunakan Flash. Terpilihnya SBY sebagai presiden RI dan juga bencana tsunami di Aceh disebut-sebut di presentasi interaktif tersebut. Google juga menyediakan data dari berbagai penjuru dunia, misalnya dari Jerman, Prancis, Australia, Cina, dan sebagainya.
Yahoo! juga memiliki statistik serupa yang dinamakan Yahoo! Buzz Log. Statistik di-update secara harian. Untuk laporan tahun 2004, Yahoo! juga memilah-milah pencarian dalam beberapa kategori, dan dilengkapi juga dengan grafik yang cukup menarik, misalnya “War of the Trilogies” yang menyajikan grafik perbandingan pencarian antara 3 film trilogi yang populer, yaitu Star Wars, Hary Potter, serta Lord of the Rings.
Lycos juga punya Lycos 50 yang menyajikan statistik mingguan, yang disertai penjelasan secara deskriptif. Statistik tahun 2004 juga disertai uraian deskriptif serupa, lengkap dengan analisis tren di tahun 2005.
Statistik dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai tren yang terjadi. Mengenai pemanfaatannya, tentu tergantung pada kebutuhan masing-masing. Untuk meneliti selera pasar, untuk menentukan target market, atau... just for fun, seperti yang dilakukan para pengguna internet ini!
Link Terkait
* Yahoo! Buzz Log: http://buzz.yahoo.com
* Google Zeitgeist: http://www.google.com/press/zeitgeist.html
* Lycos 50: http://50.lycos.com
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Labels: information
Bell's Palsy
Saya juga pernah merasakan hal yang sama, lengan kanan sukar bergerak
karena tersembur AC selama bekerja di komputer. Semoga info ini bermanfaat
Bulan November kemarin, saya merasakan sesuatu yang aneh pada wajah saya.
Ketika saya menggelembungkan mulut, bibir kiri saya tidak bisa menutup.
Begitu juga ketika memicingkan mata. Mata kiri saya sama sekali tidak
bergerak. Wajah bagian kiri saya sangat kaku. Mata kiri tidak bisa
Hidung ketarik ke atas. Dan bibir bagian kiri menekuk ke bawah. Sekilas,
wajah saya seperti orang ngambek. Lebih parah kalo lagi tertawa. Mimik
wajah saya seperti orang yang sinis dan sangat menyebalkan.
Saya melakukan cek ke Dokter Spesialis Syaraf dan saya diberitahu kalau
mengalami penyakit yang dikenal dengan sebutan Bell 's Palsy.
Dokter itu menceritakan kepada saya perihal Bell's Palsy.
Bell's Palsy (Facial Palsy) adalah kelainan di mana syaraf wajah (dikenal
dengan sebutan Syaraf Ke-7 atau Cranial Nerve, y aitu syaraf yang
mengontrol pergerakan wajah. Posisinya berada sekitar 1 jari di depan
telinga kiri / kanan Anda) tidak berfungsi dengan baik / kaku / paralize.
Akibatnya salah satu bagian wajah seperti tertarik / mencong. Penyakit ini
biasa terjadi di kota atau negara bersuhu dingin. Selain itu, kelainan ini
dapat menyerang pada orang-orang yang :
1. Terlalu lama berada di dalam ruang ber-AC.
2. Terkena semburan AC / kipas angin langsung ke wajah.
3. Mengendarai motor tanpa helm yang menutup wajah dengan
4. Mandi air dingin di malam hari.
Berbeda dengan Stroke (yang sama-sama membuat salah satu bagian wajah
mencong / ketarik), Bell's Palsy hanya menyerang syaraf wajah. Sedangkan
fungsi tubuh berjalan normal. Namun ada beberapa kasus di mana Bell's
menyerang syaraf otak, sehingga ada penderita yang tidak mampu berbicara
jelas seperti penderita Stroke. Walau demikian, pikirannya masih sangat
jernih dan dia masih dapat berkomunikasi dengan cara menulis.
Jika Anda terkena Bell's Palsy, segeralah berobat ke Rumah Sakit. Maksimal
2 hari setelah Anda mengalami kelainan itu. Jika tidak, syaraf yang kaku
dapat mengganggu otak yang menyebabkan penderita lumpuh. Selain itu ,
yang kaku akan semakin sulit dikembalikan ke bentuk asalnya.
Pengobatan yang disarankan dokter adalah fisiotherapy, di mana wajah
penderita akan dikompres dengan lampu sinar dan diberi kejutan listrik di
sekitar wajah. Namun Anda bisa juga menggunakan alternatif pengobatan
seperti akupuntur. Asal saya sarankan untuk tidak mencampur pengobatan
fisioterapi dan akupuntur di waktu bersamaan. Saya dengar kabar ada
penderita yang wajahnya kaku total karena mencampur kedua pengobatan itu.
Waktu pengobatan cukup lama. Baik fisioterapi maupun akupuntur bisa 2-3
bulan baru sembuh, bahkan ada penderita yang hingga tahunan diobati tidak
sembuh2. Semua itu tergantung dari ketelatenan kita dalam berobat. Jika
ingin cepat sembuh, begitu mengalami kelainan, segera ke Rumah Sakit. Dan
selama berobat, rutinlah mengikuti sesi pengobatan.
Seperti disarankan oleh Dokter Syaraf yang menangani saya, agar Bell's
Palsy tidak mengenai kita, cara-cara yang bisa ditempuh adalah :
1. Jika berkendaraan motor, gunakan helm penutup wajah full untuk mencegah
angin mengenai wajah.
2. Jika tidur menggunakan kipas angin, jangan biarkan kipas angin menerpa
wajah langsung. Arahkan kipas angin itu ke arah lain. Jika kipas angin
terpasang di langit-langit, jangan tidur tepat di bawahnya. Dan selalu
gunakan kecepatan rendah saat pengoperasian kipas.
3. Kalau sering lembur hingga malam, jangan mandi air dingin di malam
Selain tidak bagus untuk jantung, juga tidak baik untuk kulit dan syaraf.
4. Bagi penggemar naik gunung, gunakan penutup wajah / masker dan
mata. Suhu rendah, angin kencang, dan tekanan atmosfir yang rendah
berpotensi tinggi menyebabkan Anda menderita Bell's Palsy.
5. Setelah berolah raga berat, JANGAN LANGSUNG mandi atau mencuci wajah
dengan air dingin.
6. Saat menjalankan pengobatan, jangan membiarkan wajah terkena angin
langsung. Tutupi wajah dengan kain atau penutup. Takut dibilang "orang
aneh"? Pertimbangkan dengan biaya yang Anda keluarkan untuk pengobatan.
Sebagai catatan :
1. Wanita hamil berpotensi 3X lebih mudah terkena Bell's Palsy daripada
wanita yang tidak hamil.
2. Penderita diabetes, perokok, dan pengguna obat-obatan sejenis steroid
berpotensi 4X lebih mudah terserang Bell's Palsy daripada orang lain.
3. Rata-rata 40.000 orang Amerika setiap tahun menderita Bell's Palsy.
4. Terakhir, ini adalah catatan beberapa orang terkenal yang pernah
menderita Bell's Palsy. Beberapa di antaranya sembuh total, namun tidak
sedikit yang tidak sembuh sehingga hingga kini, wajah mereka masih tampak
mencong akibat penyakit itu. Mereka adalah :
a. Sylvester Stallone
b. John Travolta.
c. Jean Chretien (Perdana Menteri Canada )
d. John McCain (senator Arizona )
e. Jim Ross (komentator World Wrestling Entertainment)
f. Rick Savage (bassis grup metal Def Leppard)
g. Ayrton Senna (pembalap)
h. Tom Holland (sutradara)
i. Andrew Llyod Webber (komposer)
j. Pete Maravich (pebasket)
Demikian informasi dari saya. Semoga bermanfaat.
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PT. Televisi Transformasi Indonesia (TRANS TV)
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Labels: health
Wacth out DBD (Dengue Hemorhagic Fever)
Demam Berdarah atau DBD(Demam Berdarah Dengeu) atau juga bisa disebut Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), belakangan ini mulai merebak kembali. Sasaran utamanya adalah anak kecil, karena nyamuk penyebar demam berdarah ini mulai beroperasi di siang hari bukan di malam hari.
Penyebab dari Demam Berdarah ini Adalah :
Penyakit DBD disebabkan oleh Virus Dengue dengan tipe DEN 1, DEN 2, DEN 3 dan DEN 4. Virus tersebut termasuk dalam group B Arthropod borne viruses (arboviruses). Keempat type virus tersebut telah ditemukan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia antara lain Jakarta dan Yogyakarta. Virus yang banyak berkembang di masyarakat adalah virus dengue dengan tipe satu dan tiga.
1]. Cara mencegahnya :
1. Lakukan 3 M ( Menguras, Mengubur, serta menimbun barang - barang bekas atau yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi)
2. Taburkan bubuk ABATE kedalam tempat penampungan air.
3. Lakukan penyemprotan / pemberantasan nyamuk demam berdarah secara berkala.
4. Berikan lotion anti serangga terhadap badan kita.
5. Lakukan pembersihan lingkungan berkala.
6. Bila ada, taruhlah 1 sampai 2 pot tanaman nyamuk.(perlu diketahui bahwa salah satu wilayah yang berada di kawasan jakarta selatan telah mencoba untuk menanam min 1 pot di setiap rumahnya, dan menjadi bukti dalam beberapa tahun ini bebas dari nyamuk DBD )
7. Gunakan ikan pemakan jentik (ikan adu/ikan cupang), dan bakteri (Bt.H-14).
" Penyemprotan ini bisa dilakukan 2 kali dalam setahun atau 3 kali saja " terkecuali wilayah anda sudah mulai tersebar wabah demam berdarah.
2]. Gejala
Gejala pada penyakit demam berdarah diawali dengan :
a. Demam tinggi yang mendadak 2-7 hari (38 °C- 40 °C)
b. Manifestasi pendarahan, dengan bentuk : uji tourniquet positif puspura pendarahan, konjungtiva, epitaksis, melena, dsb.
c. Hepatomegali (pembesaran hati).
d. Syok, tekanan nadi menurun menjadi 20 mmHg atau kurang, tekanan sistolik sampai 80 mmHg atau lebih rendah.
e. Trombositopeni, pada hari ke 3 - 7 ditemukan penurunan trombosit sampai 100.000 /mm³.
f. Hemokonsentrasi, meningkatnya nilai Hematokrit.
g. Gejala-gejala klinik lainnya yang dapat menyertai: anoreksia, lemah, mual, muntah, sakit perut, diare kejang dan sakit kepala.
h. Pendarahan pada hidung dan gusi.
i. Rasa sakit pada otot dan persendian, timbul bintik-bintik merah pada kulit akibat pecahnya pembuluh darah.
3. Masa Inkubasi
Masa inkubasi penyakit Demam Berdarah terjadi selama 4-6 hari.
Pengobatan penderita Demam Berdarah adalah dengan cara:
* • Penggantian cairan tubuh.
* • Penderita diberi minum sebanyak 1,5 liter –2 liter dalam 24 jam (air teh dan gula sirup atau susu).
* • Gastroenteritis oral solution/kristal diare yaitu garam elektrolit (oralit), kalau perlu 1 sendok makan setiap 3-5 menit.
* * Penambah trombosit yang turun dengan meminum air rebusan Angkak.
Artikel ini di sadur dari http://www.litbang.depkes.go.id/maskes/052004/demamberdarah1.htm dan berbagai sumber lainnya.
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